Thursday, October 16, 2008

Meet the Minters

After being an avid blog reader for years, I'm ready to take the plunge and join the blogging community. I'm not sure my life is all that interesting, but I guess I'm not the decider! So here we go...

After an incredible 7 years, I'm finally married to my best buddy, Chris. We've officially been married for 19 days...great so far! For those of you that weren't at the wedding, it was a perfect early fall day. The temperature was about 75 degrees, partly cloudy, and the day ran as smooth as can be. The entire day seems like a blur, but it was quite the party.

After the wedding we spent a full week in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. No cell phones, no laptops, no work...just me and Chris, beautiful weather, way to much food and drink, and an awesome pool and beach. It was perfect. I'm pretty sure we slept 10 hours a night, which never happens. We're lucky if we get 6-7 on a normal work week.

Now we're back and I'm a Minter. That's been the weirdest/hardest part of getting up Caywood (we all know how much I love my family), but I love being a Minter and am proud to take Chris' name.

We've hit the ground running. We have a two weddings this weekend, Chris has a bachelor party next weekend, and we have a wedding the weekend of Halloween. Whew!

We'll have to see how this goes, but I think I've shared enough for now! Time to finish watching the presidential debates on DVR.

Be back soon!