Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have to admit that while I'm not a real mother yet, sometimes I feel like one with my puppy, Riley. She just turned three, and I'm not sure how a human can care so much about an animal, but I do.

Riley's been really sick for about 10 weeks. Long story short, she had a tail injury, which led to an infection, and she had an adverse reaction to the infection medication, which caused her immune system to attack her blood platelets. She turned into a hemophiliac, and is now on intense levels of steroids (40mg a day, prednisone) to build back up her immune system. The sad thing is, this drug causes severe muscle waste, and she looks like a skeleton compared to how she was 10 weeks ago. She's lost 15 lbs, but all in muscle. Sad day. Her breathing has also been compromised by the drugs, so she breathes really heavy. Oh ya, and it makes her drink and pee like you wouldn't believe!

Anyways, I'm home alone tonight, and all I do is stare at her and worry. Is that what it's like to be a parent? Do you worry all the time? Ugh, I need to grow thicker skin, or I'll be a nut case!

Anyways, say a prayer for the Riley puppy. And, for my motherly blog readers...please assure me I won't worry every minute of motherhood? :) Or maybe I better get used to it, huh?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I love normal

Right now I'm laying on the couch, watching '17 and counting' on TLC, next to my snoring yellow lab puppy, waiting for my husband to come home from a St. Patty's day night out with the guys, facebook stalking my friends...and all I can think is - I love my normal life.

I used to daydream about what it must like to be like some of my friends...serving God in a foreign country, pursuing a career in music in downtown Chicago, moving on a whim to California for grad school, traveling the world with nothing but a backpack and a few bucks...

It sure seemed to be more exciting than the highlights of my week (new episodes of American Idol, watching Monday night 'headlines' on Jay Leno with my husband, Sunday dinners with my in-laws, weekly visits to my parents house, daily runs with my puppy, etc)

But the older I get, the more I love normal. I have learned to appreciate how unique it is to be happily married, with a nice home, an amazing family (mine and my husbands) a healthy puppy, and dreams of having children soon, and I don't think it's so boring to be normal after all. In fact, I'd take normal any day.

Oh! Better go, the Duggar's are about to find out if baby 18 is a boy or girl :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

OK, I'm not a good blogger

Apparently the idea of blogging was interesting, but I haven't kept it up.

Few updates on my life:

-Chris and I recently remodeled our bathroom and laundry room. It's the last part of our house that we hadn't touched and still wanted to. I think we'll end up trying to sell/buy a little bigger house this summer, so after it's ware we plan to do some outside work to complete the house updates.

-Chris and I have been talking a lot about having kids lately. I think we're going to start trying this summer. I feel so ready, but it also makes me really nervous. But mostly, I can't wait.

-Work is great, but really crazy busy. I work 12 hour days a few times a week, and it's starting to wear on me. I'm trying to find a better balance. I still can't decide what I'll do when I have kids, work, work part-time, or work in the home full-time. I'd love to stay home, but it creates so many what-ifs for me. Every mom I know says it's worth it.

-Our puppy turned 3 last week. She's my favorite thing in the world.

Alright. I need to get better at this, but I'm going to go enjoy the sunny day, even though it's chilly!