Saturday, March 14, 2009

OK, I'm not a good blogger

Apparently the idea of blogging was interesting, but I haven't kept it up.

Few updates on my life:

-Chris and I recently remodeled our bathroom and laundry room. It's the last part of our house that we hadn't touched and still wanted to. I think we'll end up trying to sell/buy a little bigger house this summer, so after it's ware we plan to do some outside work to complete the house updates.

-Chris and I have been talking a lot about having kids lately. I think we're going to start trying this summer. I feel so ready, but it also makes me really nervous. But mostly, I can't wait.

-Work is great, but really crazy busy. I work 12 hour days a few times a week, and it's starting to wear on me. I'm trying to find a better balance. I still can't decide what I'll do when I have kids, work, work part-time, or work in the home full-time. I'd love to stay home, but it creates so many what-ifs for me. Every mom I know says it's worth it.

-Our puppy turned 3 last week. She's my favorite thing in the world.

Alright. I need to get better at this, but I'm going to go enjoy the sunny day, even though it's chilly!


Grace said...

Kelly!!! I love all of this exciting news!

Noah and I are hoping to do some house hunting too! I bet we can both find some good deals out there 8)

And babies! Oh the joy of babies! We both know that you're born to be a mommy. I think the best mother is a happy one, so whatever makes you happy (in regards to work) will be the right decision for you.

I miss you so much! I just might have to plan a day sometime soon to come down there a visit. I'll keep you posted.

The Nelsons said...

wow, lots of fun stuff going on in your life right now! i'm excited for you on the baby idea - it's so wonderful. i totally think staying home is worth it - even on the hard days.