Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have to admit that while I'm not a real mother yet, sometimes I feel like one with my puppy, Riley. She just turned three, and I'm not sure how a human can care so much about an animal, but I do.

Riley's been really sick for about 10 weeks. Long story short, she had a tail injury, which led to an infection, and she had an adverse reaction to the infection medication, which caused her immune system to attack her blood platelets. She turned into a hemophiliac, and is now on intense levels of steroids (40mg a day, prednisone) to build back up her immune system. The sad thing is, this drug causes severe muscle waste, and she looks like a skeleton compared to how she was 10 weeks ago. She's lost 15 lbs, but all in muscle. Sad day. Her breathing has also been compromised by the drugs, so she breathes really heavy. Oh ya, and it makes her drink and pee like you wouldn't believe!

Anyways, I'm home alone tonight, and all I do is stare at her and worry. Is that what it's like to be a parent? Do you worry all the time? Ugh, I need to grow thicker skin, or I'll be a nut case!

Anyways, say a prayer for the Riley puppy. And, for my motherly blog readers...please assure me I won't worry every minute of motherhood? :) Or maybe I better get used to it, huh?


Grace said...

Bad news...

Kelly, I think you're going to worry every minute. I know I do about every five. BUT it's not as bad as you think, because of the face that your worries change every day. Yesterday I was worrying about the dead bug Asher found and put in his mouth for a snack. Today I'm worrying about the band aid that he somehow ate off of his finger, because I'm allergic to band aid adhesive and he is too and will that give him some kind of rash on the walls of his stomach, intestines, anus?!

You're going to be a wonderful mother Kelly, well, you already are a wonderful mother. And though you'll worry a lot, it will be because you're loving so deeply. Both those emotions will balance each other out.

That is so sad about Riley though! Poor guy 8( He's so lucky to have good parents like you and Chris. Wish I was seeing you this weekend. Love you and miss you!

The Nelsons said...

so sorry about your baby! hope your little puppy is on the mend.

and yeah, grace is right, you'll definitely worry about those kiddos. but a good kind of worry, usually - because you love them and only want the best. you'll be a great mommy!